Stinkin' Cute Punks
Playing with more actions from the Florabella Luxe II set. Can you tell I'm working on portrait photography? I've had several people ask me to do portraits for them, or their high school seniors, in the past few weeks so I've been practicing with K and some different poses and backgrounds.
K was very accommodating and let me shoot to my heart's content a few days ago. I talk nonsense to her when I'm shooting. I'll say just about anything to get a reaction out of her. Unless I'm trying to get her to sit pretty. Then I try not to make her laugh.
Or look disgusted.
I love that photo on the bottom right in the blog board above. She can furrow her brow better than anyone I know and she does the raise-one-eyebrow-higher-than-the-other look rather well. Just like the Man.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I got that look when I asked her if she'd consider plastic surgery to get her eyes to stay open when she smiled, and not get all crinkled up and close so you can't see her eyes. Of course I was kidding, but she didn't know that. And the look of horror on her face was p-r-i-c-e-l-e-s-s.
I never get tired of shooting pics of her. She's still my little punk. Even if she is almost all grown up.
Talk about cute little punks, here's my niece D.
I love, love, love her bright blue eyes. She is too stinkin' cute.
The Man and I had to drive into the Big City today. When we got to our destination, we had to climb up, up, up the parking garage to find a parking spot. I felt like Jack climbing the beanstalk.
Only there was no gold at the top.
We were following a pickup truck who kept trying one spot after another. He would start to pull in, realize his truck was too big, then have to back up and do a three point turn to get back in the lane to keep on looking. He did this several times. It was like watching the ladies in the kingdom try on Cinderella's glass slipper, cramming their foot into it trying to make it fit them.
Nope. Doesn't fit. Too small, Mr. Pickup Truck Man.
We kept going around and around and finally found a spot way up in the clouds, at the tippy top of the parking garage.
What a view up there.
"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." ~ Albert Einstein
Your K. is going to travel someday, and she's going to run into somebody who will say, "Gee, why does that young woman look so familiar?"