Carriage Driving

Random heart.

I was shopping today and looked down in the parking lot to see this pretty little pink heart. What did we do before cell phone cameras?

I was out with a girlfriend on Saturday and we stopped in at T.J. Maxx to do some early Christmas shopping. I don't know about anyone else's T.J. Maxx but the stores near us usually have {very} long lines on Saturdays. There can be 25-30 people waiting in line at any given point. Last Saturday was no different. Tons of people around and we all got in line at the same time.

So we got in line and waited and waited and waited. Too many shoppers and not enough cashiers. Typical of today's retail stores. When we finally got up to the front of the line, the next register that opened was the very last one.

All the way down at the other end of the line.

As far away from me as possible. Ugh.

It was like running a gauntlet to get to the register. I felt like I was in that car commercial where boulders are falling onto the road, and animals are darting across the road, and kids with balls are running out into the road. And the whole time the poor driver has to dodge all these potentially disastrous events.

So I was dodging people and carts and shopping bags and kids and old ladies to get to the open register. People had double parked carriages at some of the registers and at one particularly narrow point, I had to steer around a second carriage. My carriage accidentally hit one of the tall signs that the store used to advertise something or other. The sign teetered and I reached out to right it. I apologized to the sign since I always say sorry when I hit something, even inanimate objects. I was so embarrassed after hitting the sign that I was in a rush to get away. I pushed forward and proceeded to bang into a carriage on the other side of the aisle. I apologized to the woman holding that cart and backed up to get away from her. I looked at my friend and we started laughing because I was literally a car wreck going down this aisle.

As we walked away from the crash scene, my friend heard someone say, "I hope I'm not parked next to HER!"

Me too, lady.
