Nifty Thrifty Wednesday #4

I brought home a suitcase full of
Did you know that during WWII housewives used simple cotton fabrics, like seed bags and flour sacks to make clothing for their families? Manufacturers created appealing sacks to attract the housewives to their products. Housewives simply unzipped the simple chain stitching to use it as fabric.
If you're interested in the history of feedsacks, you can read a great article here.

I'll post pics of the fabric cabinet as soon as the Man finishes painting it. Of course he can't finish painting it until he starts painting it. And that means I have to pick out a color to paint it.
I hate committing to a color. There's too many to choose from.

The best part about the suitcase? It was $1.00.
And do you see that Dutch girl with the attitude?
I love that girl. She's very sassy. And I love those yellow wooden shoes.
Remember? I love wooden shoes.

I have to find him. See if he's got attitude, too.
She's the second Dutch girl I've seen in the last few weeks. I was tagging (my new word for tagsale-ing) with Sissy a couple weekends ago and I found a much larger Dutch girl made out of plaster. She was a piggy bank. Lots of pinks and light greens with yellow tulips on her dress, she stood about 15" high.
I spotted her across a couple of tables, she had some attitude too.
I went over and picked her up. Man, was she heavy. I put her down for a moment to look at something else and BAM! A man swooped out of nowhere and took her! I turned around to get her and she was gone.
Sissy gave me a look and pointed at the man scurrying away. He was practically running to the checkout table.
I lost her.
So when I saw this little girl, I had to pick her up.
I learned my lesson. If you want it, hold onto it. Jeesh, I'm such a newbie at this thrifting stuff. There should be rules, like, if you see someone looking and holding something and they put it down for a moment, you should ask them if they're interested in it.
Oh well, c'est la vie. At least I found this little girl. And she was only $0.50.

They make me cheery.
All in all, a fantastic thrifting day.
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