Pool Day

Can you guess what we did today?
That's right.

It was hot, it was sunny, it was a perfect pool day.
Sissy bought squirt guns so we squirted each other.

Things were pretty calm and civilized until J. and P. came. They brought A., P.'s brother, with them.

Two big boys in the pool. You know what that means.


The waves got wavier, the splashing got splashier and the squirting was out of control.

There was a cannonball contest. E. gave it her best but she only made little splurps in the water. For Pete's sake, she only weighs about twelve pounds soaking wet.

J. won the contest. No shocker there.

Wee-haw! What fun! The little girls were hanging onto their inner tubes like they were in the perfect storm. It looked like a season finale of "The Deadliest Catch".
After that, we drank iced tea and we ate popsicles.
And at the end of the day, there was one cookie left.
