Family Reunion day

Family reunion time.

Aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents, nieces and nephews, and cousins. Lots and lots and lots of cousins.

We come from three different states once a year to see each other. And laugh. Oh, yes, we laugh together a lot.

The kids enjoy running around and hanging upside down.
This little cutie pop was spending oodles of time inspecting the grass. Her grand-mama came over to see what she was looking at. Soon after, another cousin joined in to see what cutie pop and grand-mama were doing.

Of course, I had to wander over and investigate. We never did figure out what she was looking at.

Her mother heard us speculating, "Maybe she found a bug. Or a treasure."

She looked over and said, "No, she's just looking at her toes."

Huh. Not what we were thinking.
Have to have bubbles when there are little girls around.

They work like magic.
This man is trouble. 

Capital T. Trouble.

I was on the run when I snapped this pic. 


I love family reunion day. These are the cousins that we used to love to get together with when we were kids. 

They were two boys. We were three girls.

They had cool boy toys. And loved playing sports. They conned us into playing some game or other every time we saw them. 

Our moms were sissies. Best friend sissies - the very best kind of sissies. 

Auntie P gave me some photos of my mom when mom was a young child. Auntie P is in the photos, as well as another aunt, Auntie G. She told me I could crop the two of them right out of the photos. 

Silly Auntie P. Why would I want to do that? These two women are part of my history, threads in the fabric of my life. They're not going anywhere.


  1. What sweet photos, Cheryl. And what a gift to see "new" family photos. That's always so special.


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