Alaska, The Great White North. Random Snaps.

Went through my iPhone pictures to see what I had taken in Alaska. These are bits and pieces of the trip in no particular order.

These letters to Santa were posted in the Santa Claus House gift shop in North Pole, Alaska. Lots and lots of Christmas items and Alaska gifts. Super cute town. The roads had Christmas like names and the light poles looked like candy canes.
We stopped in Nenana on our way to Denali. We stopped at the Cultural Center to learn about local history. 

Then we went to the gift shop/cafe next door and shared a cinnamon bun.


Alaska is loaded with cinnamon buns.
Kind of frightening. 

While we were in the Cultural Center, we entered the world famous Nenana Ice Classic contest. You try to guess the exact time when the ice will break up on the Tanana River in Nenana.

Say that five times fast.

This contraption is part of what is used to determine the exact moment the ice breaks up on the Tanana River.
Replica of the bus from "Into the Wild". Saw this as we were going into a local brewery in Denali.
The Man and M (behind him) getting ready to take off to see Denali.
Hiking in Denali.

My spidey senses were on full alert during this hike. I was looking for bears EVERYWHERE. There were plenty of people around so I was going with the safety in numbers theory. Except you can also go with the "Oh, look! A smorgasbord of people to eat!" if you're a bear.

It could go either way.
Yikes. At the start of the hike.

I can't believe I did this hike.
There's a lot of trapping that happens in Alaska.
Lots of color and texture on the beach in Homer.
Found some cobalt blue sea glass!
This young couple got their vehicle stuck in the sand on the beach in Homer. We found them as were taking a walk along the shore. M went over to check out the situation and then he called us all over to help push them out.

They were very grateful.
Love this sign. The color and the sketch.
Love this sticker.
