A Milestone Celebration


Family. Friends. Food. Cake. Presents. And wine. 

Darling M is celebrating a milestone year. As am I, since we're the same age. 

Half a century. Gulp.

We've got a lot of celebrating to do this year. 


We gathered last evening. A lovely evening to celebrate M. Lots of laughter, plenty of love. A young grandson running around, entertaining all who stopped to listen and watch him dance around. We can learn from the young, I think. Throw caution away and dance and sing - just because.

Because your heart is so full you can't stop yourself. 

The love just comes bubbling up, building and building inside until it forces its way out. Why not in a skipping step, or a twirl here or there, or a giggle and a grin? A song sung to someone you love, "Happy birthday to Mima!"

I love that word - Mima. That's what M's grandson calls her.

Conversation was light and cheery. And this group made me laugh. Really laugh.

I think this whole family should have their own sitcom. Or a variety show. There was impromptu singing, loads of smart aleck wisecracks from M's wicked stepdaughter,  a pseudo-striptease performed by a brother in law, and audience surveys ("Who was your celebrity crush when you were a kid?")
At some point, M and I found ourselves sitting together. We chatted about allergies and nasal congestion. We talked about dairy items and giving them up to see if it would help. We talked about wine. And how it can cause stuffiness in some people - which can lead to sinus issues.

M might be one of those.

So she told her momma that she was giving up dairy and maybe wine. Her momma paused and said, "Well, don't do that."

Life lessons from the older and wiser woman. Don't be giving up the wine.


A most enjoyable evening spent in some mighty fine company.
