Stories to Tell

I never get tired of spending time with these two sweet ones.
Little miss C is getting very inquisitive - watching everything, wanting to "talk" to us (lots of cooing). She is becoming very social, like her brother. She tells a lot of stories. We always encourage her to speak, asking her "And then what happened?" or "Oh, really! She said that?" 

She coos back as if she's answering us. Too cute.
This little guy melts my heart. Such fun, always making me laugh.

He's asking so many questions about very important things, like which dinosaur would eat another dinosaur. And would  they eat baby dinosaurs or leaves instead. And would a dragon eat a dinosaur. I can see his brain working as he's asking the questions and putting the story together in his mind.

Fascinating to watch his thought process.
We spend a lot of time reading to these littles. Miss C lasts about as long as it takes to read a very short board book, sometimes two. 

Little Man will sit for book after book after book. As I'm read to him, he's repeats everything I say under his breath, whispering the words with the same intonation I use. I think he's going to be an early reader. He loves to read to me and Boppa and Camille. He can retell a book pretty well if he's heard it a time or two.

But did I expect anything else with a librarian for a Deeda?
