Strawberry Fields, Forever

Ah, sunshine.

Sweet, sweet sunshine.

After the storms last week, this sunshine-y weekend felt good.

Time for a drive.


My poor cameras needed a good cleaning. I had to drive, drive, drive over lots of country roads to get to the nearest camera shop. I thought I was going alone but J and his friend, A, wanted to come. A was looking to buy a new camera, since his minor is photography. So I said, Sure, hop in and we'll all go. And since P was with J, she came too. Seeing as how she loves photography too.

What a fun day.

Lots of good conversation with some witty, smart, insightful young people who kept me giggling and laughing the entire time.

We ate lunch at a pizza shop while we were waiting for my cameras to finish their cleaning. J took exception to a sign posted, "Musicians welcome...except guitar players."

P said, That's really random.

A laughed since he's a drummer.

Soon enough, the call came and my cameras were ready to come home. But not before we stopped at Starbucks. 

Out in the middle of nowhere-land, never-know-where-I-am land. 

One chocolate coconut and three double chocolate chip frappuccinos later, we went back for my cameras and then headed home.

Took most of the day, but what an enjoyable day it was.
Silly K. I love the faces she makes.

Your face is going to freeze like that, I say. 

She never believes me. And keeps making faces. 

So I keep taking pictures.
The Man and K picked strawberries this weekend. 

In our garden.

I love that. They're such happy little strawberry plants and they're giving away lots of plump, juicy berries. 

We had strawberry shortcake tonight with some homemade biscuits that K made. 

Some photos speak to me. Like this one.

It's not in focus. I snapped it kind of quickly because K and the Man won't stop and pose for me whenever I want them to.

But I take what I can get and sometimes I get one I love.

It's got a timeless feel to it, people working together, giving and taking. Reaping rewards from hours in the garden. Harvest time. Lots of good stuff going on here.

I like it.
Pretty red berries.


  1. Oh my goodness. Those strawberry pictures are incredibly beautiful, as is your lovely girl. You will have to let me know where that camera cleaning shop is....

  2. yum! i need a camera cleaning too...


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