Penguins on Ice

One of my family's favorite Christmas decorations. 

When you wind up the music box, the two little penguins on the pond spin around and "Winter Wonderland" starts playing.

One of my aunties gave this to the Man and I for Christmas many (yikes!) years ago. When I first opened it up, I thought it was supposed to be funny, like a joke gift.

But it wasn't. She really thought we would love it. And you know what? We do.

I had no idea it would become the decoration everyone would search for when I pull out all the Christmas stuff. People wind it up randomly, just to watch the penguins spin around and around. Sometimes the winding mechanism gets stuck and it stops playing only to start up again hours later. I woke up in the o'dark thirty part of the night last year because I heard it playing in the living room. Scared me half to death.

Every now and then a penguin goes missing and it's all hands on deck until we find it. Rugs are lifted, cushions are overturned, pillows are scattered, and nobody leaves the house until we find it. I'm amazed we've been able to keep the two penguins for this long. The thing is about twenty five years old.

I guess my auntie was right. We do love it.

Say less and mean more. 

I saw this written somewhere recently. Truth.
