Labor Day Weekend, part two

The Man and I started a barn trail this weekend. Our state is full of barns and a historic preservation organization put together several trails to follow to see the more significant ones.

We took a drive on Sunday to see one of the barns.

A Sunday drive. Just like Nan and Gramps used to do. I see the appeal. Meandering, looking, stopping at whim. Yes, I see the appeal.

We found a gorgeous old house with a rather large barn painted a mauve color. Definitely a girl's barn. However, I forgot to post a picture of it so you get to see the house instead. A much brighter color.
The Man went back to the car to get my super big lens. It's heavy and I didn't want to put it on the camera unless I needed it. 

I took a few shots and decided I needed it. The Man gallantly (reluctantly) offered to go get it for me so I sat on the front porch of the house and took some pictures of the detailed woodwork.
View from the gardens with the neighbor's house in the background.
Gorgeous color.
The hydrangeas were just starting to turn pink.
That small section with all the windows looked to be a laundry room. The Man thinks the attic of that section housed pigeons.
Driving home, down a back country road.

If the Man sees water, he stops to get out and look at it. 

I think he's always looking for fishing spots. Also known as spots-where-he'll-never-catch-anything. No fish are ever harmed in this endeavor.
My favorite picture from the day. Wild flowers, horses and a wagon.

Sigh. Beautiful.


We had a tornado warning yesterday afternoon. We've had a few tornadoes touch down in our neck of the woods so we take them seriously. When all our devices started blaring warning tones coupled with "seek shelter immediately" messages, we listened. 

We turned the TV on so we could see what time they were predicting the storm to come through. We had a few minutes to pull the cars in the garage, secure items on the porches, and close all the windows. The sky was getting very dark and the wind was picking up and then the rains came. Torrential, wind blown rains. 

We skedaddled down to the basement. And started watching out the window for K to go by with the baby. She had called to tell us she was on her way home. I told her to hurry. Her father texted her and told her to find a store and seek shelter NOW. 

While we were watching to see if she went by, the Man decided he needed his coffee for the wait. So back upstairs he goes to get his cup of coffee. 


A tornado is literally coming through our area in under a minute and he decides he needs his coffee. That man has no self-preservation skills at all.

The storm went by very quickly, K made it home when all was clear, and J was on standby at the fire department. The world got quiet and the sun came out.

Our adventure was over.
