Bittersweet Chore

Found this photo while I was going through some old folders, cleaning things up. 

I have a temporary folder I use to hold files that I don't want to keep forever but don't have time to organize and put where they belong. I just dump them in this temporary folder.

Big mistake.

Everything gets dumped in there and after seven years has become quite unmanageable. It took me all afternoon and evening to clean this folder out.


It was a lot of work to sort through them but it was one of those chores that had to be done. I found pics of Mom and Nana. Pics of Jack and the kids when they were seven years younger. So many memories came flooding back. Holiday memories and daily moments immortalized in these temporary files. Turns out they're not so temporary after all.

It was bittersweet. 

I'm always surprised how many every day moments I've forgotten over the years. It was a little hard to see loved ones that aren't here anymore. I miss them so much. And it was hard to see the kids so young. 

I miss them so much too.

It was pie day at church today. Our church celebrates Thanksgiving by having a pie social after service. Lots of yummy pies. K picked pumpkin so little man could try a tiny taste. He was not a huge fan of pumpkin pie even though he likes pumpkin. I think it must be the spices. Too much for his little taste buds to handle.

Don't worry, little man. That's a temporary thing. Your taste buds will adjust.
